

Management Board

Mag. Wolfgang Maier,
Chairman of the Management Board of EVN Macedonia

Born 1965.

Graduated at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

In his professional career of over 30 years in the energy sector, his experience includes Managing Director of EVN Business Service GmbH, Member of the Board of EVN Pensionskasse AG and Member of the Supervisory Board of Netz NÖ GmbH and EVN Macedonia AD Skopje.

Starting from January 2010 he was leading the EVN Group Function Human Resources and was granted full power of attorney. In his previous roles he was Member of the Steering Committees of EVN Group.

On Austrian national level he served as member of the Social Policy Committee of the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Personnel and Collective Agreement Negotiation Committees in the Federation of Austrian Energy.

As of 04.07.2023 he is Chairman of the EVN Macedonia AD Management Board

Mag. Jürgen Fleischhacker,
Vice-Chairman of the Management Board of EVN Macedonia AD, Skopje

Born 1975.


Passed the Business Consultancy examination, Wiener Neustadt.


Joined the Department of Controlling and Accounting at EVN AG.

As of 01.03.2019 he is Vice-Chairman of the Management Board of EVN Macedonia AD, Skopje.

Igor Gievski, PhD,
Member of the Management Board of EVN Macedonia AD, Skopje

Born 1976.

Mr. Gievski earned his doctorate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje, where he previously completed his Undergraduate and Master's Degree, and was employed in several positions at EVN Macedonia.

From 2010 to 2018, he held the position of Management Board Member of EVN Macedonia.

Following his successful mandate, he was appointed as Manager of EVN Makedonija Elektrani, until 2022.

Afterwards, he continued his involvment and engagement in the field of renewable energy for the EVN Group and the Management Board of EVN Macedonia.

As of 01.07.2024 he has been reappointed as a Member of the Management Board of EVN Macedonia AD, Skopje.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board Chairman
Mag. Stefan Szyszkowitz, MBA
Spokesman of the Management Board of EVN AG


Mag. Gerald Reidinger
Dr. Klaus Kohlhuber
Dipl. Ing. Mag. Klaus Stricker
Mag. Robert Simonoski
President of the Trade Union at EVN Macedonia AD, Skopje
Biljana Chakmakova, MP, Attorney at Law

Ing. Harald Dammerer, MBA
Dipl. Ing. Heinrich Bittner
Mr. Zlatko Lazikj, BEcon.
Representative of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia