The status of a Customer with Sensitive Process (CSP) is given to customers relying on specific working processes, in which the interruption of electricity supply might endanger the lives and health of people or the environment, as well as customers whose production processes would require substantial costs for resuming production in the event of electricity supply outage.
The category of Customers with Sensitive Process also include customers whose electricity supply, pursuant to the Electricity Supply Rules, must not be interrupted, such as:
- Hospitals, health clinics, special health establishments (emergency wards and other emergency departments, stationaries, blood transfusion departments – blood donation and processing, dialysis centers, health establishments);
- Water supply facilities and waste water treatment plants;
- Building and facilities in public transport (airports, railway and bus stations and stations for public traffic signalization);
- Hydrometeorological and seismological stations;
- Kindergartens.
The status of a Sensitive Process Customer allows for a special treatment of such customers upon planned electricity supply interruptions, that is, requires notifying such customers on any planned electricity supply interruptions in writing, by email or by phone.
To acquire a Sensitive Process Customer status, customers need to apply by filling out a matrix, and by submitting their contact information.
Filling out an application does not necessarily mean that the particular customer will be awarded a status of a Customer with Sensitive Process; more precisely, the application will be reviewed by experts from Elektrodistribucija DOOEL, Skopje.